Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Monday 9th September 2019 10.30 am (Item 4.)


Cabinet Member for Transportation highlighted the recent visit with the Mayor of Chesham to meet a 7 year old boy who championed a cleaner and brighter environment and had been out litter picking in his local area.


Cabinet Member for Children’s Services thanked all staff and foster carers and highlighted the recent celebration event that celebrated the achievements of all the looked after children in the county and the event heard from a number of inspirational speakers.  It had been a really enjoyable event and supported by local businesses.  The press release could be found here.


Mr Whyte also highlighted the new family support service that had gone live on Monday 2 September 2019.  Mr Whyte thanked all staff that had worked on the transition into the new service.  Mr Whyte referenced the new website gave lots of advice to families and how to interact with the new service.  Mr Tett, Leader, gave his appreciation to all the staff that had been involved in the transition and recognised that it had been a long journey, but was pleased that a new effective service was now in place to benefit the lives of children and their families.


Cabinet Member for Resources had attended presentation of two Best Kept Village awards in Winslow.  The awards were annual and a real incentive for Buckinghamshire villages.


Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Public Health highlighted the NHS Health Checks and that although there would be a central government review of them they were still running in Buckinghamshire.  Mr Williams had recently had one himself that would be shared on social media and he urged anyone invited to take up the offer. 


Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing stated that there had been some positive news from central government regarding Adult Social Care funding however there still needed to be a long term funding reform and a long term plan. 


Lin Hazell also raised the recent incident at Seeley’s House that had resulted in the temporary suspension of the overnight respite service and confirmed that this had not affected the day time service.  The council were working closely with staff at Seeley’s House the overnight service would be reopened as soon as possible.


Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment highlighted the Best Kept Village awards and mentioned villages that had won various prizes in a number of groups.  Mr Chapple also mentioned the recent Pednormead End flood management community exhibition held on the 4September giving flood management advice to Chesham residents and highlighted that another event was being held on 10 September.  Mr Chapple had also been invited to the FCC Greatmoor celebration event.  The site had now been running for 3 years and had dealt with 1m tonnes of waste and to celebrate had set up at Westcott Adventure Park an aviary for 1m bees with the proceeds going to the charity TheraBees.


The Leader highlighted the Spending Report that was announced by the Chancellor the previous week.  There was good news in terms of a number of one off grants and the proposal for another potential adult social care precept.  However it was emphasised that since a lot of the announcements related to one off funding this could not prudently be added to base Revenue expenditure.  This could be a problem for the new unitary council.   Mr Tett emphasised gratitude to the government. He also said that expectations needed to be managed and careful measures would need to be made when planning the new budget as ongoing funding was not guaranteed.